Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Book Review: Path of the Seer

Well this was supposed to go out on Friday, but with my mom in town for spring break, I didn't actally get around to writing the post, and I've learned that if you have a blog post without any writing, it isn't actually very interesting, so here we go. This time with more interesting!

Path of the See is the second in the Eldar saga. I really enjoyed Path of the Warrior, and I was looking forward to reading this book, but when I got it I had a hard time initially getting through it. I want to say that it was because I read a not-so-flattering review from another blog before I read it, and I think it put me off the book. So after setting the book aside for a good long time, I finally came back to it.

This tells, well, not the same story as Path of the Warrior, but sorta the same story as Path of the Warrior, but from a different persective. One of the issues I had to begin with was the fact that both books begin at pretty  much the same point. Thirianna and Korlandril are waiting for their buddy to come back from a long journey. They have pretty much the same conversation as they did in the first book, and both of them are kind of annoying.

After that, I fell the story does pick up quite a bit. You really start to delve into how the story plays out differently from the different points of view. Obviously what Korlandril thought about Thirianna's motivations in Warrior are proved wrong in Seer. I really think that the two books are very well written in that respect, and I think you have to be a very clever to make it work out.

Warrior mainly saw the progression of Korlandril and the eventual fight for the life of Craftworld Alaitoc, in Seer, we get a glimpse into why  Alaitoc was in danger to begin with.

I wasn't super happy with the ending of the story, but that was mainly because it was set up as a cliffhanger for the next book, and I was hoping to see how the story ended.

All-in-all I give Path of the Seer three soulstones out of five. 

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